Foreword of SSDN Education
SSDN Education is an institute walking in the direction of an advanced India. We are enthusiastic about generating exceptionally qualified manpower that will revolutionize the digital industry. Our team works proficiently and passionately to take the global benchmarks to a whole new level. We are proud and delighted to have our business activities engaged in constructing a better India by crafting highly capable workers.
Technology geeks! Technology freaks! Crackerjack technicians! That’s what we are hunting and creating!
The moral values and the ethical spirits are what make an edifice unshakable. That’s what we lay down as the basis of refining skills and enhancing knowledge. Moral code and unadulterated character are the two essentials that always stay at the front for us. All other attributes may take a backseat.
We rigidly accept as true that-
- Every individual surely has some deep-seated skills and strengths. Therefore, everyone can be a master in their field through proper training.
- The foremost key to success is “Know Thy Self”. Self awareness is a very powerful tool to welcome victory your way. It helps to know which gaps need to be filled and which skills have remained under utilized.
- Competence is the shadow of character which can be judged through the efforts one put in.
- After all this sowing and nurturing one can harvest their profits.
- Our Staple Ideology
Integrity, virtues, honesty and reliability are the attributes that we consider as the focal point of any worthy success. Having this lets you polish your skills and upgrade your knowledge. With ethics and morals as your key ingredients you have already crossed the level one towards a better career.
- Envisaging Future of 2022
We dream of a fully developed India and we aspire to turn the dream into reality. For this we are dedicated to make India the hub of expertise and experienced people. Let’s join hands and encourage our country’s population in being the major contributors towards achieving the dream. We are not here just to match the global standards but also setting new higher records.
We, at SSDN Education, sincerely and dutifully work:-
- To make SSDN Education the distinguished synergist for the Implementation of Governmental beneficial initiatives in Skills Development especially in the field of e-governance, e-commerce, ‘Make In India’.
- To be the nerve center of the best trainers for the learners to boost their confidence.
- To establish exceptionally able workforce in the organized as well as the non-organized sector.
- To leverage the rate of employment in the industry at all the levels.
- To generate satisfaction among the employees by leveraging their remunerations due to their applaud-worthy competencies.
- To provide counseling by the experts’ guide to all the learners regarding the field they fit in the best based on their unique skills.
- To achieve equilibrium between individuals’ personal interests and the organization’s overall goals.
- To not just grow with conflicts but to grow in an amicable and a peaceful environment.
Our Course Of Action
We have effectively systemized processes at three levels:-
- Academic
The education we get from our colleges most of the times is either of theoretical aspect or abstract practical examples. It is only after coming in actual contact with the real experience of doing a job that we people acquire more needful skills. We at SSDN Education make the engineering, management and undergraduate students to actually face the situations of industry. This is a tried and tested method of tracing the needs and cultivating expertise in our students. They eventually land on their dream jobs.
For reference please have a glance on the feedback written by our delighted students.
- Training in Government and Public Sector
We feel blissful for having the honor and proud pleasure of training cream of the crop i.e. the Indian Army in cutting edge technologies. Duty bound and to affirm their trust on us, we are unable to disclose any kind of detail. To quote a few examples in the governmental department we are privileged of serving all the domains of e-Governance varying from web based services to virtual machines and workspace.
- Corporate Training
SSDN Education feels gratified to have a crew of Corporate Training masters. We dedicatedly follow the rule of POSDC i.e. Planning the requirements of individuals and organization, Organizing the similar nature jobs to one category, Staffing the trainees with the most excellent trainers, Directing the trainees’ skills towards their goals and Controlling the results which includes evaluation and feedback to ascertain the efficacy of training.
Following are the main areas of our undivided attention:-
A) Managerial Skills
- Yoga to manage stress and to know yourself from within.
- Character refining and setting off good ethical values.
- Public speaking to boost confidence.
- Strengthening good communication skills.
- Group Discussions for brain storming sessions.
- Training to conduct impactful conferences and recording, dissemination of minutes.
- Inculcating positive attitude towards life.
- Developing sixth sense.
- Establishing ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library).
- Project Management both as an individual and as a team.
- Effective leadership and improvement through psychometric techniques.
- Improve decision making skills.
- Imparting team feeling.
B) Technical Skills
- Virtualization through CITRIX.
- Operating Cloud computing using Microsoft technology.
- Full utilization of MS Office tools at all levels (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Power Point etc).
- Using cyber security.
- Studying Business Analytics and Big Data.
- Empowering Network Management.
- Profit by using social media for business.
- Eliminating pit falls in careless usage of social media.
- Winning over both Intra and Inter business e-commerce.

Our approach is holistic, developing the whole person to enable our trainees to be effective leaders in both their employment and personal lives. We aim for excellence not only in providing professional training but in developing individuals.